
iPhone Programming : The Image Picker View Controller - Adding the Image Picker to the City Guide Application

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7/16/2011 9:30:32 AM
In this section, we’ll continue to build on our City Guide application. Either of the two versions of the application we now have will do, as all of the changes we’re going to make will be confined to the AddCityController class. In the preceding section, we made only relatively minor changes in this class that won’t affect our additions here.

However, if you want to follow along, I’m going to return to our original version and work on that. As we did in the preceding section, you should work on a copy of the project, so right-click or Ctrl-click on the folder containing the project files and select Duplicate. A folder called CityGuide copy will be created containing a duplicate of our project. You should probably rename the folder to something more sensible. I suggest CityGuide3, and renaming the project by selecting ProjectRename from the Xcode menu bar.

The first thing we need to do is build an interface to allow the user to trigger the image picker. If you remember from this article, our “Add City” view was built out of two custom table view cells. The easiest way to add this ability is to add another table view cell.

Open the AddCityController.xib file in Interface Builder. Drag and drop a table view cell (UITableViewCell) from the Library window into the AddCityController.xib window. We need to resize this cell so that it can hold a small thumbnail of our selected image, so go to the Size Inspector (⌘-3) and change its height from the default 44 pixels to H = 83 pixels. At this point, we also need to resize the super-size table view cell for entering the description to account for this new cell. So, click on the description cell and go to the Size tab of the Inspector window and change the height from H = 362 to H = 279 pixels.

Go back to the new cell and grab a label (UILabel) from the Library window and drop it onto the Table View Cell window (if the window is not open already, double-click on the new cell in the AddCityController.xib window to open it). In the Attributes Inspector (⌘-1) change the label’s text to “Add a picture:” and then switch to the Size tab and position the label at X = 10 and Y = 28 with W = 126 and H = 21 pixels.

Next, grab an image view (UIImageView) from the Library window and drop it onto the cell, then position it at X = 186 and Y = 7 and resize it to be W = 83 and H = 63 using the Size tab of the Inspector window. In the Attributes tab, set the Tag attribute to 777 (this lets us easily refer to this subview from our code) and set the view mode to Aspect Fill.

Finally, drop a round rect button (UIButton) onto the cell, and in the Attributes tab change its type from Rounded Rect to Add Contact. The button should now appear as a blue circle enclosing a plus sign. Position it to the right of the UIImageView, at X = 274 and Y = 25.

After doing this, you should have something that looks a lot like Figure 1. Set the cell selection type to None in the Attributes tab, make sure you’ve saved your changes to the NIB, and then open the AddCityController.h and AddCityController.m files in Xcode.

Figure 1. The Add Picture table view cell in Interface Builder with the UIImageView tagged as view 777 so that we can access its subview from code more easily

In the AddCityController.h interface file, the first thing we need to do is add an IBOutlet to allow us to connect our code to the new table view cell inside Interface Builder. We must also add an instance variable of type UIImage called cityPicture, which we’ll use to hold the image passed back to us from the image picker, along with an addPicture: method that we’ll connect to the UIButton in the cell, allowing us to start the image picker. Add the lines shown in bold to the file:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface AddCityController : UIViewController
<UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate> {
IBOutlet UITableView *tableView;
IBOutlet UITableViewCell *nameCell;
IBOutlet UITableViewCell *pictureCell;
IBOutlet UITableViewCell *descriptionCell;

UIImage *cityPicture;

- (void)saveCity:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)addPicture:(id)sender;


Before implementing the code to go with this interface, we need to quickly go back into Interface Builder and make those two connections. Open the AddCityController.xib file and click on File’s Owner, then use the Connections Inspector (⌘-2) to connect the pictureCell outlet to your new UITableViewCell. Next, click on the addPicture: received action and connect it to the UIButton in your table view cell; see Figure 2. When you release the mouse button you’ll be presented with a pop-up menu of possible events the button can generate. We want just a simple button click, so select the Touch Up Inside event.

Figure 2. Connecting the addCity: received action to the UIButton in our new UITableViewCell to allow it to trigger the image picker

We now need to save this file, and then go back into Xcode to finish our implementation. In the AddCityController.m implementation file, first we have to provide a default image for the UIImage in the cell (otherwise, it will appear blank). We can do this inside the viewDidLoad: method by adding this line ):

cityPicture = [UIImage imageNamed:@"QuestionMark.jpg"];

We also have to make some changes to the table view delegate and data source methods (in the AddCityController.m implementation file) to take account of the new cell. First we need to change the number of rows returned by the tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: method from two to three. Make the change shown in bold:

 - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tv
return 3;

Now we need to modify the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method to return the extra cell in the correct position in our table view. Make the changes shown in bold:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tv
cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
UITableViewCell *cell = nil;
if( indexPath.row == 0 ) {
cell = nameCell;
} else if ( indexPath.row == 1 ) {
      UIImageView *pictureView = (UIImageView *)[pictureCell viewWithTag:777];
      pictureView.image = cityPicture;
      cell = pictureCell;
    } else {
cell = descriptionCell;
return cell;


We also need to change the tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: method to take account of the new cell. Make the changes shown in bold:
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tv
heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
CGFloat height;
if( indexPath.row == 0 ) {
height = 44;
} else if( indexPath.row == 1 ) {
height = 83;
} else {
height = 279;
return height;


We also need to remember to release the pictureCell variables in the dealloc: method. We don’t have to release the cityPicture variable because it will be part of the autorelease pool. Add the following to the dealloc: method:

[pictureCell release];

Finally, we need to add a placeholder implementation (after the instance methods pragma mark) for our addPicture: method, which we’ll fill in later:

- (IBAction)addPicture:(id)sender {
NSLog(@"addPicture: called.");

We’re done, at least for now. Click Build and Run in the Xcode toolbar to compile and run the application in iPhone Simulator. Once the application has started, tap the Edit button in the navigation bar and click Add New City (if you chose to modify the second version of the guide, click the Add button). Figure 3 shows the new view.

Figure 3. The New City view with our new UITableViewCell

Now we have an interface to trigger the image picker for us, so let’s implement the code to do that. First we need to add a UIImagePickerController variable to the AddCityController.h interface file, along with a UIImage variable to hold the image returned by the image picker. We also need to declare the class to be a delegate. Make the changes shown in bold:

@interface AddCityController : UIViewController
<UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate,
 UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate> {

IBOutlet UITableView *tableView;
IBOutlet UITableViewCell *nameCell;
IBOutlet UITableViewCell *pictureCell;
IBOutlet UITableViewCell *descriptionCell;

UIImage *cityPicture;
UIImagePickerController *pickerController;

- (void)saveCity:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)addPicture:(id)sender;


In the AddCityController.m implementation file, we need to modify the viewDidLoad: method to initialize our UIImagePickerController. Make the changes shown in bold:

- (void)viewDidLoad {
self.title = @"New City";
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]
target:self action:@selector(saveCity:)];
cityPicture = [UIImage imageNamed:@"QuestionMark.jpg"];

pickerController = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
    pickerController.allowsImageEditing = NO;
    pickerController.delegate = self;
    pickerController.sourceType =

We also need to implement the addPicture: method, the method called when we tap the button in our interface. This method simply starts the image picker interface, presenting it as a modal view controller. Replace the placeholder addPicture: method you added to the AddCityController.m file as part of the instance methods pragma section with the following:

- (IBAction)addPicture:(id)sender {
[self presentModalViewController:pickerController animated:YES];

Next, we need to implement the delegate method that will tell our code the user has finished with the picker interface, the imagePickerController:didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: method. Add the following to AddCityController.m inside the UIImagePickerController method’s pragma section:

- (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker
didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
cityPicture = [info objectForKey:@"UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage"];

UIImageView *pictureView = (UIImageView *)[pictureCell viewWithTag:777];
pictureView.image = cityPicture;
[tableView reloadData];


Finally, in the saveCity: method, we need to add a line just before we add the newCity to the cities array. Add the line shown in bold:
newCity.cityPicture = nil;
newCity.cityPicture = cityPicture;
[cities addObject:newCity];

This will take our new picture and serialize it into the data model for our application.

It’s time to test our application. Make sure you’ve saved your changes and click Build and Run.


If you test the application in iPhone Simulator, you’ll notice that there are no images in the Saved Photos folder. There is a way around this problem. In the simulator, tap the Safari icon and drag and drop a picture from your computer (you can drag it from the Finder or iPhoto) into the browser. You’ll notice that the URL bar displays the file path to the image. Click and hold down the cursor over the image and a dialog will appear allowing you to save the image to the Saved Photos folder.

Once the application has started, tap the Edit button in the navigation bar and go to the New City view. Tapping the blue button will open the image picker, as shown in Figure 4, and allow you to select an image. Once you’ve done this, the image picker will be dismissed and you’ll return to the New City interface.

Figure 4. The UIImagePickerController and the New City view with a new image

Is everything working? Not exactly; depending on how you tested the interface you may have noticed the problem. Currently, if you enter text in the City field and then click on the “Add a picture” button before clicking on the Description field, the text in the City field will be lost when you return from the image picker. However, if you enter text in the City field and then enter text in (or just click on) the Description field, the text will still be there when you return from the image picker. Any text entered in the Description field will remain in any case.

This is actually quite a subtle bug and is a result of the different ways in which a UITextField and UITextView interact as first responders. To explain this without getting into too much detail, the first responder is the object in the application that is the current recipient of any UI events (such as a touch). The UIWindow class sends events to the registered first responder, giving it the first chance to handle the event. If it fails to do so, the event will be passed to the next object.

By default, the UITextField doesn’t commit any changes to its text until it is no longer the first responder, which is where the problem comes from. While we could change this behavior through the UITextFieldDelegate protocol, there is a simpler fix. Add the lines shown in bold to the addPicture: method:

- (IBAction)addPicture:(id)sender {
UITextField *nameEntry = (UITextField *)[nameCell viewWithTag:777];
[nameEntry resignFirstResponder];

[self presentModalViewController:pickerController animated:YES];

With this change, we force the UITextField to resign as first responder before we open the image picker. This means that when the image picker is dismissed, the text we entered before opening it will remain when we are done.

Save your changes, and click on the Build and Run button in the Xcode toolbar. When the application starts up, return to the New City view and confirm that this simple change fixes the bug.

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